In the past, liposuction and injections that dissolve fat were unheard of. People were happy with their regular work schedules. But a lot of people seem to be unhappy these days for a variety of reasons. People struggle with a variety of issues throughout their lives, and those who are struggling with obesity are especially motivated to find a solution. Though there are many different ways to lose weight, fat loss injections are one of the most reliable options. This article will compare fat dissolving injection vs liposuction in Islamabad Pakistan with an emphasis on how well they work to reduce body fat quickly.
Is it possible?
Fat Dissolving Injection VS Liposuction in Islamabad
Nonsurgical fat removal techniques such as fat dissolving only provide a reduction of the fat, not the elimination of all fat cells in the treated area. If you want to get rid of all of your fat cells, you should consider having cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction.
We sincerely hope that this is the best resource for a thorough comparison between fat dissolving injection vs liposuction in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Fat dissolving injection:What Is It?
Fat dissolving injections involve the injection of a modified bile acid, specifically deoxycholic acid, to target and break down fat cells in a specific area. The body’s natural lymphatic drainage system then eliminates the broken-down fat cells.
Is it safe to use injections that dissolve fat?
Yes, fat dissolving injections are considered safe and effective for reducing unwanted fat in targeted areas. These injections work by breaking down fat cells and facilitating their removal through the liver.
Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring bile acid in our bodies, aids in the breakdown and absorption of fats. FDA-approved injectables like Kybella use deoxycholic acid for contouring and improving the appearance of submental fullness without surgery.
Does Injection Therapy Actually Work to Dissolve Fat?
Yes, fat-dissolving injections are effective, providing permanent results, although not as permanent as surgical liposuction. While liposuction removes large amounts of fat permanently, fat dissolving injections permanently eliminate the treated fat cells.
What is the duration of action for injections that dissolve fat?
Results are not immediate, as the lymphatic system naturally removes dissolved fat deposits over about eight weeks. Typically, two or more treatments are required to see noticeable improvements.
Injections for Fat Dissolving Side Effects
Common side effects include redness, bruising, and swelling at the injection site. More severe side effects, such as skin ulcers, nerve damage, and scarring, may occur but are rare.
It’s essential to consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any treatment to discuss potential risks.
How frequently can fat dissolving injections be administered?
Following the dissolution of fat cells by the solution, the body undergoes a process of breaking them down and absorption, which typically takes four to six weeks.
Consequently, visible results may take some time to manifest, requiring two to four sessions spaced four weeks apart for optimal effectiveness.
What dietary choices are recommended post-fat dissolving injections?
In the 72 hours post-treatment, it is advisable to adhere to a low-carb, high-protein diet, such as steamed vegetables with fish, chicken, or lean meat, excluding bread or potatoes.
Although optional, this dietary approach is known to enhance outcomes, leading to a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer.
What is the cost of fat dissolving injections in Pakistan?
If you’re considering undergoing a non-surgical fat loss procedure, it’s crucial to factor in the associated expenses. In Blue Area, Islamabad, the starting cost for lipolytic injections is PKR 50,000. However, individual experiences and costs may vary based on several factors.

Liposuction: What Is It?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from specific body areas, such as the stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck, through a suction method.
This process not only eliminates fat but also shapes and contours these regions. Lipoplasty and body contouring are alternative terms commonly used to describe liposuction.
Liposuction: How does it work?
The procedure begins with the infusion of a diluted local anesthetic to minimize trauma and bleeding. A thin hollow tube, known as a cannula, is then inserted through incisions to facilitate a controlled back-and-forth motion for the removal of excess fat.
Subsequently, a surgical vacuum or syringe, connected to the cannula, suctions the loosened fat out of the body.
Liposuction: Is it safe?
Liposuction is generally considered safe for the majority of individuals. During the initial consultation, we thoroughly discuss your goals, medical history, existing conditions, and any potential risks associated with liposuction.
It’s important to note that smokers are advised to refrain from undergoing liposuction to mitigate the risk of complications. Individuals from major cities across Pakistan, including Islamabad, express a keen interest in liposuction. Additionally, there is a growing demand for liposuction in Lahore.
Double Chin Liposuction Procedure
For the double chin liposuction procedure, a small incision is made directly beneath the chin. A skilled doctor will create this incision and then introduce a cannula, a diminutive stainless steel tube. The surgeon removes the fat between the skin and muscle by inserting the tube through the incision.
Potential Side Effects of Liposuction
- Fluid accumulation
- Numbness
- Infection
- Internal laceration
- Fatty embolism
- Heart and kidney issues
- Lidocaine toxicity
Cost of Liposuction in Pakistan
Whether performed under local or general anesthesia, the average cost of liposuction in Pakistan varies from Rs 80,000 to Rs 150,000 for one or more areas. To determine the precise cost of the procedure, please arrange a consultation with our liposuction surgeon.
Fat Dissolving Injection VS Liposuction in Islamabad
1- Fat Dissolving Injection (Points)
- It’s a lengthy final treatment.
- During the fat-dissolving injection, the fat melts and the genetic material and cell membrane of the fat cells are removed.
- Thus, the fat cells are actually forced out of the body and dislodged.
- You are receiving injections that dissolve fat from a medical professional who has received extensive training and patient experience.
- The product’s quality is guaranteed, and the dosage is appropriate. (Carried out by the Doctor)
2- Liposuction
- To remove fat from particular body parts, such as the stomach, hips, thighs, etc., suction is used.
- It could help you get a better body type.
- It’s not a method for losing weight.
- One kind of surgery used to remove fat is liposuction.
Dr. Shafaq Ramay is one of Pakistan’s leading gynecologists at the moment. Thanks to her extensive experience and the large number of patients that visit the Dr. Shafaq clinic in Islamabad at address F6, she is performing a fantastic job.
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